Home Game Development unity – Unity3D/AnimationRigging – Rig not a baby Transform within the Animator hierarchy

unity – Unity3D/AnimationRigging – Rig not a baby Transform within the Animator hierarchy

unity – Unity3D/AnimationRigging – Rig not a baby Transform within the Animator hierarchy


I’m utilizing Animation Rigging in Unity and was having some success till I noticed my rig was constructed on the improper GameObject. This was inflicting the Animator on the character to be overridden by the animator that Animation Rigging “Rig Setup” created.

I moved the Rig Builder part onto the Character GameObject that already had the Animator arrange, however now each single rig part is inflicting an error. I’ve fully recreated the rig and all the constraints, however nonetheless get the identical error.

For instance: “Could not resolve ‘Character/Rig_HandIK/LeftHandIK’ as a result of it isn’t a baby Transform within the Animator hierarchy”. Character is the GO with Animator & Rig Builder elements, Rig_HandIK is a baby of Character with a Rig part, and LeftHandIK is a baby of Rig_HandIK which has the Two Bone IK Constraint part.



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