Tuesday, April 16, 2024
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Hello! I’m a member of SuperPlanet! We are an indie recreation developer group attempting to create video games with distinctive themes and enjoyable gameplay.

Our new recreation can be launched quickly!! The recreation is ‘Airship Knights’ by which the primary factor is the Airship flying via the sky stuffed with journey. The recreation is about in an Arcane Punk and the primary character has to battle monsters and managers in every stage.

The gameplay is straightforward since it’s an #idle RPG. As the airship sails to increased phases in faraway lands, the mysterious story of the Flying Islands, Border Town, and two nice powers unfolds. All the content material within the recreation, similar to Arena, Flying Islands, and Temple is weaved collectively all through the primary story. So, each exercise a participant does within the recreation accommodates that means in itself!!

Our group paid a lot consideration not solely to the gameplay, but in addition to the settings, storyline, and character design. We hope you benefit from the dialogue between these humorous and cute pixel characters.

The recreation is predicted to be launched a number of days forward and we’re so excited!

 SmileySmileySmiley Check this hyperlink for those who wanna attempt!:  https://app.regulate.com/x4fl43q

These images are samples of our recreation. Opinions are at all times welcomed!



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