Home Game Development c++ – Rectangular Collision Decision behaving incorrectly on corners

c++ – Rectangular Collision Decision behaving incorrectly on corners

c++ – Rectangular Collision Decision behaving incorrectly on corners


I am at the moment writing a easy recreation engine and encountered an error whereas attempting to resolve rectangular collisions. When an object strikes diagonally and collides with a strong object I solely appropriate it within the axis that will require much less translation to resolve the collision. The issue with that is that when a diagonally transferring object travels “over” a nook the smaller axis flips to the other axis earlier than the 2 objects cease colliding and the non-solid object “teleports” to repair itself.

This is a bit of the collision decision technique (c++):

    0: UP
    1: UP RIGHT
    2: RIGHT
    4: DOWN
    5: DOWN LEFT
    6: LEFT
    7: UP LEFT
    case 0:
        rect.y = (other->rect.y+other->rect.top)+mounted(0.0078125); 
        //0.007 is padding quantity, mounted is mounted quantity class as a result of {hardware} constraints, rect is rectangle with x, y, width, top
    case 1:
        fPoint l1(rect.x, rect.y); //fPoint is Level utilizing mounted
        fPoint r1(rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+rect.top);
        fPoint l2(other->rect.x, other->rect.y);
        fPoint r2(other->rect.x+other->rect.width, other->rect.y+other->rect.top);
        mounted distX = abs(min(r1.x, r2.x)- max(l1.x, l2.x));
        mounted distY = abs(min(r1.y, r2.y) - max(l1.y, l2.y));
        if(distX > distY){
            //if y is shorter appropriate y
            rect.y = (other->rect.y-rect.top)-fixed(0.0078125);
        else if(distY > distX){
            //if x is shorter appropriate x
            rect.x = (other->rect.x-rect.width)-fixed(0.0078125);
    case 2:
            rect.x = (other->rect.x-rect.width)-fixed(0.0078125);
//continues for instructions 3-7



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