I’m utilizing this code to alter the transparency of my TMPro TMPUGUI textual content when altering a web page (from a guide).
// known as in begin, and on button press
public void ShowPage(int index, bool ignoreFade=false)
if (changeWithFade && !ignoreFade)
if (isFading)
Debug.Log("LogViewBehaviour: Still fading, motion cancelled!");
isFading = true;
textAnimator.SetText("", false);
textAnimator.SetText(logTextRenderer.GetFormattedPageText(LogRetailer.GetPageByIndex(index)), false);
currentPage = index;
IEnumerator DoShowPage(int index)
yield return FadeText(textMesh, 1, 0, fadeDuration);
textAnimator.SetText(logTextRenderer.GetFormattedPageText(LogRetailer.GetPageByIndex(index)), false);
currentPage = index;
yield return ScrollToBottom();
yield return FadeText(textMesh, 0, 1, fadeDuration);
isFading = false;
IEnumerator FadeText(TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI sourceToFade, float startAlpha, float endAlpha, float period)
float beginTime = Time.unscaledTime;
whereas (true)
float elapsed = Time.unscaledTime - beginTime;
float t = elapsed / period;
sourceToFade.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(startAlpha, endAlpha, t));
if (sourceToFade.alpha == endAlpha)
yield return null;
}//finish whereas
IEnumerator ScrollToBottom()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0f;
Every time that is executed, my sport noticeably lags, the body fee drops considerably till the fade is completed.
The textual content is a number of paragraphs lengthy, largely hidden inside a scroll rect.
I attempted a Canvas group on the textual content gameobject, nevertheless it disabled interactions.
What’s one of the simplest ways to strategy this?