Home Game Development Custom Recipes in Minecraft Modpack

Custom Recipes in Minecraft Modpack

Custom Recipes in Minecraft Modpack


I need to have a brand new Recipe with crafttweaker, which utilizing machines from the create mod, for Netherrack like this Compacting Netherrack

At the second I tryed this code in scriptsMyRecipes.zs:

import crafttweaker.api.merchandise.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.api.ingredient.IIngredient;
import crafttweaker.api.recipe.FurnaceRecipeSupervisor;

import mods.create.IProcessingRecipeSupervisor;
import mods.create.MechanicalCrafterManager;
import mods.create.CrushingManager;
import mods.create.SplashingManager;
import mods.create.CompactingSupervisor;
import mods.create.FillingManager;
import mods.create.MixingManager;
import mods.create.PressingManager;

<recipetype:create:compacting>.addRecipe("compact_netherrack", <fixed:create:heat_condition:none>, [<item:minecraft:netherrack> * 8], [<item:minecraft:cobblestone> * 8, <item:minecraft:nether_wart>], [<fluid:minecraft:lava> * 10], 100);

however after I go into the world I get this errors:

[Error] Parser Exception @ MyRecipes.zs:16:63 : Invalid bracket expression: no prefix fixed
[Error] Scripts are invalid!
[Error] Parser Exception @ MyRecipes.zs:16:63 : Invalid bracket expression: no prefix fixed
[Error] Scripts are invalid!


can someone assist me?



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