A superhero X from DC universe and a superhero Y from Marvel universe determined to hitch arms and cease a cybercriminal. They named this operation as ‘Uncaged’ as a codeword for ‘Coding’.
“I’ll choose a superhero from my universe to help me. You too choose a superhero out of your universe to help you” mentioned X.
“Sure. Let us all change our names to codewords much like how our operation is called” replied Y.
“That’s a good suggestion. I’ll message you tonight after selecting my companion. You too determine your companion by that point” concluded X.
Later that night time, X messaged Y:
“Hi Cabrio, I’ve chosen Heritor as my companion for this operation.“
Y replied:
“Hi Cabrio, I’ve chosen Cleanout as my companion for this operation.“
Who are the 4 superheroes concerned on this operation?
How are the codewords derived?