Home Game Development I can’t allow TradPlus service on my Cocos Creator 2.4.6 app – Cocos Creator

I can’t allow TradPlus service on my Cocos Creator 2.4.6 app – Cocos Creator

I can’t allow TradPlus service on my Cocos Creator 2.4.6 app – Cocos Creator


Which nation are you from?

I’m from Vietnam. I attempted utilizing vpn however identical outcome.

Have you tried obtain Vungle or TopOn? Where is the location you vpn arrange?

Vungle and Topon have the identical outcome. I arrange vpn in USA.

Can you attempt new model of Creator, like v2.4.10 or v3.6.0.

I attempted upgrading to v2.4.10 nevertheless it nonetheless doesn’t work.

Okay, we’ll test it out and get again to you.



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