Home Playstation Neon-folk survival horror Saturnalia involves PS4 and PS5 subsequent month – PlayStation.Blog

Neon-folk survival horror Saturnalia involves PS4 and PS5 subsequent month – PlayStation.Blog

Neon-folk survival horror Saturnalia involves PS4 and PS5 subsequent month – PlayStation.Blog


They say it takes a village…and when it got here to creating the village of Gravoi, that’s greater than true. Saturnalia is a cultural mosaic, impressed in equal components by cinema, theater, and even structure—in addition to basic video video games that emphasize survival and exploration. The result’s a deeply textured and thematically wealthy world, one which displays a true-to-life affect whereas in the end remaining otherworldly.

Where Reality Meets the Surreal

Once the crew at Santa Ragione knew the sport was to be set within the Sardinian area of Italy—a location not typically represented in fashionable media—we understood we had a duty to the gorgeous locales and genuine tradition of the realm. At the identical time, our imaginative and prescient was for a horror story with a supernatural affect, necessitating an imaginative leap from the true world into one thing else altogether. That’s how Gravoi got here to be: a fictional dreamscape that displays the true Sardinia whereas standing by itself as a definite and eerie setting.

The crew carried out in depth location scouting all through the island, taking numerous pictures and movies of villages and cities all through Sardinia, from the traditional church of Bosa to the deserted mines of Monteponi. With these sources in hand, we had been capable of meticulously design the city of Gravoi and its many distinctive twists and turns. 

A figure use the flame of a matchstick to study an etched map.

With the aim of creating a procedurally-generated layout capable of reorienting itself once certain in-game conditions are met, the designers worked hard to ensure that each cobblestone sidestreet and narrow alleyway felt distinct and lived-in. The cathedral, storefronts and architecture that make up Gravoi are at once familiar and totally unique. But establishing a three-dimensional setting is only part of the storytelling process.

The neon-folk effect

The art style of Saturnalia brings many descriptors to mind. Colorful, kaleidoscopic, or maybe picturesque? All of these are accurate, but they only begin to explain the depth and range of influences that contributed to the aesthetic that defines the visuals of Saturnalia.

From the outset, we had a very clear inspiration in mind for both the story and the look of Saturnalia: giallo cinema, the classic Italian horror films that rose to prominence in the 60’s and 70’s due to the bracing and innovative work from the likes of Dario Argento and Mario Bava. Known for their shocking violence, gripping mysteries, and stylized cinematography, these films formed a foundation upon which the developers could build their own entry into the longstanding tradition of Italian horror.

A character runs through a street, passing a small parked vehicle laden with chairs.

For level design, our art director looked to contemporary architecture and dramatic scenography, particularly expressionist and brutalist forms that prize meaning over realism. These stark geometric patterns combined with the color treatment and palette structure to create an immersive world that’s easy to get lost in—both literally and figuratively.

The evocative art style of Saturnalia—dubbed “neon-folk”—is its most immediately arresting feature. But how the game plays is just as crucial.

The Heart of Saturnalia

Although the cinematic influence on Saturnalia is substantial, it is a video game first and foremost, one with deep connections to the lineage of survival-horror and exploration-based adventure games. Specifically, the rich and detailed world of Shenmue was a huge inspiration, as were mystery games like Mizzurna Falls, Enemy Zero, and D2. The commonality between all these games is deeply immersive worlds that encourage critical thinking and emotional connection to their narratives and central characters.

The level design focused on providing players with multiple pathways to achieving their objectives, with a primacy placed on choice and unique playthroughs. Borrowing from the explorative adventure style, certain areas of the village are unavailable to the player prior to acquiring certain tools and equipment. Similarly, the many diegetic puzzles weaved throughout the game are the key to discovering new areas and secret passageways throughout Gravoi.

In the back of a dark cavernous area stands a figure by an open door, silhouetted by the light of room they gaze into.

The result is a labyrinthine structure that creates the feeling of traversing an intricate maze. In the absence of daylight, the player’s management of their matchsticks is critical in staving off the darkness…and the attention of the creature stalking their every move. This maze has a monster within, and avoiding its clutches is the top priority for any soul brave enough to explore the village.

But Saturnalia isn’t focused on combat. Stealth and evasion are the player’s primary tools, as are the unique abilities of each of the four co-protagonists. Utilizing these abilities goes hand-in-hand with revealing more about each character’s personal motivations and desires: in the world of Saturnalia, story and gameplay are intertwined. The only way for the player to progress is to learn which character is best used for any given situation or puzzle.

A masked figure stares past opened gates to a room beyond, in which unknowingly observed, another figure gazes about them.

Even so, everyone who plays Saturnalia will enjoy a unique experience. It’s possible to complete the story without uncovering every last detail, promoting replayability and alternate strategies. The discoveries the player makes—as well as the order in which certain events are resolved—can affect the ending. Ultimately, this speaks to one of our key pillars in designing Saturnalia: the emphasis on player agency. It’s for you to choose how you want this story to unfold. 

With that in mind, there’s only one question that remains.

Do you dare to join the ritual?

The team here at Santa Ragione is putting the finishing touches to the game, and we can’t wait for you to play it. Saturnalia launches for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on October 27, 2022.



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