I’m making a sport utilizing PhysX because the physics engine and I’ve a perform which checks the overlapped our bodies based mostly on a sphere geometry. When there are overlapping our bodies I simply set a drive on them. The drawback is that the overlap perform all the time return false. No matter what I feed it with. Here is my code:
void PhysxManager::ExplosionSphere(const glm::vec3& pos, float radius, float _force)
PxOverlapBuffer hit; // [out] Overlap outcomes
PxSphereGeometry overlapShape = PxSphereGeometry(radius); // [in] form to check for overlaps
PxTransform shapePose = PxTransform(PxVec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)); // [in] preliminary form pose (at distance=0)
if (mScene->overlap(overlapShape, shapePose, hit, PxSceneQueryFilterData(PxQueryFlag::eNO_BLOCK))) {
for (int i = 0; i < hit.nbTouches; ++i) {
auto actor = dynamic_cast<physx::PxRigidDynamic*>(hit.touches[i].actor);
if (actor) {
PxVec3 drive = (actor->getGlobalPose().p - PxVec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
actor->addForce(drive * _force);
Any concepts what is likely to be the issue or perhaps a substitute for overlap?