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Svidler Sweeps Shirov, Favorites Triumph

Svidler Sweeps Shirov, Favorites Triumph


On day three of the Chess.com Global Chess Championship, GM Peter Svidler triumphed vs. GM Alexei Shirov of their veteran face-off, scoring the one 3-0 sweep of the day. World championship challenger GM Ian Nepomniachtchi and nineteen-year-old GM Arjun Erigaisi went undefeated, additionally clinching their matches in three video games. 

GM Teimour Radjabov knocked out ladies’s world primary GM Hou Yifan. Finally, GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov defeated GM Vladislav Kovalev.

The spherical of 64 continues on Saturday, September 17, beginning at 4 a.m. PT / 13:00 CEST.

How to observe?

Svidler vs. Shirov kicked off with an exciting double-edged battle for the initiative. 

Nepomniachtchi’s first victory vs. GM Mahammad Muradli is our Game of the day.

For positional gamers and those that like to begin the sport with the queen’s pawn (like myself), watching Nepomniachtchi play the Catalan is a good pleasure. Not because the days of Kramnik has a participant imposed himself so convincingly on this opening.

The remainder of their match was extremely tactical, together with a intelligent “renegade rook” mixture. 

Facing two wins in a row by Nepomniachtchi, Muradli discovered himself in a must-win place and almost started a comeback vs. the world championship challenger. He gained a profitable place however neglected the ending strike. Can you discover it?

Mamedyarov vs. Kovalev started with a closely-fought first recreation. The world quantity 14 stored his opponent below fixed strain, finally capitalizing as Kovalev fell into time hassle.

Commentator Naroditsky commented on Mamedyarov and Nepomniachtchi’s skill to show shut video games into victories: “That is what these high gamers do. They manufacture profitable probabilities out of nowhere.”

That is what these high gamers do. They manufacture profitable probabilities out of nowhere.
―Daniel Naroditsky

After two hard-fought attracts vs. Hou, Radjabov pulled forward, surviving a chaotic blunder-laden time scramble in recreation three.

Erigaisi scored 2.5 in opposition to Paravyan, starting with a compelling king assault. The present world quantity 18 pressed on the kingside for many of the recreation, draining his opponent’s time to mere seconds vs. over 5 minutes. At a pivotal second, he discovered the calm and stunning Kd2!, shaking his opponent’s resistance by actively using his king within the middlegame. 

Round of 64 Scoreboard

The 2022 Chess.com Global Championship (CGC) is the primary Chess.com international championship cycle open to all Chess.com verified gamers. Players compete in official Chess.com verified occasions for his or her share of the $1,100,000 prize fund and the Chess.com Global Champion title.

Chess legends, similar to GMs Viswanathan Anand, Vasyl Ivanchuk, Vladimir Kramnik, and Veselin Topalov, compete in opposition to at present’s finest (on-line) gamers, together with GMs Hikaru Nakamura, Ding Liren, Levon Aronian, and Jan-Krzysztof Duda, and extra. 

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