The Twisting Path is upon us! We are headed to the Mortal Realms with merchandise for Disciples of Tzeentch and extra. Take a take a look at these costs.
It’s a return to the Mortal REalms with Disciples of Tzeentch! Then some Necromunda goodies. Here come the newest releases.
All these things are up for pre-order September 24. Street date is October 1.
Battletome Disciples of Tzeentch : $55 €42.50 £32.50
“This packed book includes the sinister history of the Disciples of Tzeentch, from their dark origins in the Age of Chaos to the Era of the Beast, along with detailed painting guides, arcane artwork, and rules for using your miniatures in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.”
Vanguard Disciples of Tzeentch : $130 €105 £80
“Start a new Disciples of Tzeentch army or add to an existing one with this new Vanguard box. Led by a powerful Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, it includes 10 Tzaangors, 10 Kairic Acolytes, and daemonic support in the form of three incendiary Flamers of Tzeentch and three swift Screamers of Tzeentch.”
Disciples of Tzeentch Dice : $38 €31.50 £24
Disciples of Tzeentch Warscroll Cards: $33.50 €24 £19
“Keep track of your army’s rules in the heat of battle with 31 warscroll cards, covering every unit and Endless Spell in Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch. You also get a token board featuring 35 tokens that can be used as reminders for special rules, abilities, and Tzeentchian battle tactics and grand strategies.”
All hail the Changer of Ways!

Dad, Gamer, Publisher, Pilot, Texan. All video games on a regular basis since junior-high.
I began BoLS Interactive in 2006. I’m a lifelong tabletop & RPG gaming fanatic, and web writer working to entertain and inform my readers each day.
I’ve been enjoying RPGs and Tabletop Games because the Nineteen Seventies. I’m been enjoying and masking Warhammer and Warhammer 40K for over 35 years.