
I’m attempting to discover ways to use AnimationCurve to vary a float worth over time.

However i’m not actually certain learn how to do it

Say i’ve the next class:

    public class SpiritAway : MonoBehaviour
    public List<SkinnedMeshRenderer> MeshList;
    public List<Material> DissolveList;
    public float proportion = 0.0f;
    public bool IsDissolveing;
    public AnimationCurve Curve;

    personal void Start()
        proportion = 0.0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < MeshList.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < MeshList[i].supplies.Length; j++)
                if (MeshList[i].supplies[j].shader.title == "Dissolve")

    // Update is named as soon as per body
    void Update()
        if (IsDissolveing)
            if (proportion < 1)
                    proportion += 0.01f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < DissolveList.Count; i++)
                        DissolveList[i].SetFloat("_alphaClipDissolve", proportion);

Now i want to incrase the share worth with the share of the animation curve to get a extra clean and managed transition of the worth.

Could anybody clarify how that is potential?




It appears to be like to me like you possibly can exchange this with:

public float velocity = 1f/30f;
public Renderer[] renderers;
public AnimationCurve curve;

MaterialPropertyBlock _block;

struct MaterialSlot {
    public readonly Renderer renderer;
    public readonly int index;

    public MaterialSlot(Renderer renderer, int index) {
        this.renderer = renderer;
        this.index = index;

personal IEnumerator Start()
    // Define a cloth property block for modifying alpha
    // with out copying supplies (lighter on allocations/rubbish).
    var properties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

    // Cache an ID for our parameter, to keep away from a number of string lookups.
    int id = Shader.PropertyToIndex("_alphaClipDissolve");

    float perecentage = 0f;

    // Read our alpha worth from this place on the curve
    // and apply it to our property block.
    properties.SetFloat(id, curve.Evaluate(proportion));

    // Find all supplies that want this alpha adjusted, and cache them.
    var slots = new List<MaterialSlot>();
    foreach(var renderer in renderers) {

        // Look on the renderer's supplies with out copying them.
        var supplies = renderer.sharedMaterials;

        for(int i = 0; i < supplies.Length; i++) {
            if(supplies[i].shader.title == "Dissolve") {
                // Initialize the alpha worth for this materials.
                renderer.SetPropertyBlock(properties, i);

                // Cache a reference to its slot so we are able to iterate it later.
                var slot = new MaterialSlot(renderer, i);

    // Keep updating the alpha on subsequent frames till we're finished.
    whereas(proportion < 1f) {
        // Wait a body, then resume.
        yield return null;

        // Advance the animation at a set price over time.
        proportion += Time.deltaTime * velocity;

        // Read our alpha worth from this place on the curve
        // and apply it to our property block.
        properties.SetFloat(id, curve.Evaluate(proportion));

        // Apply this modified property block to each "Dissolve" materials slot.
        foreach(var slot in slots) {
            slot.renderer.SetPropertyBlock(properties, slot.index);

    // p.c >= 1f, we're finished! End this coroutine.


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