Home Gamification Using Pixel Art with TemplateTab

Using Pixel Art with TemplateTab

Using Pixel Art with TemplateTab


One of my hottest actions is Pixel Art. This permits college students to primarily paint by quantity in a spreadsheet. Typing numbers into the spreadsheet. I like to have all college students working collectively in the identical Google Sheets spreadsheet. TemplateTab lets you duplicate a graphic organizer throughout the identical spreadsheet. Creating graphic organizers with Pixel Art is enjoyable! Here is how you can use Pixel Art with TemplateTab

Pixel Art with TemplateTab

The first step is to design your graphic organizer. In this case, you need to make a replica of the Pixel Art template.

Install TemplateTab

TemplateTab is created by Alice Keeler. It collects NO USER DATA. NO PII. It is totally secure to make use of.

TemplateTab Add-on

After making a replica of the template use the Extensions menu to pick out TemplateTab. “Setup Sheet” will add a sheet to the entrance of the spreadsheet. Paste your class record, roster, into the column A.

Pixel Art with TemplateTab is facilitated by using Extensions menu and selecting TemplateTab by Alice Keeler and selecting Setup Sheet.

Run TemplateTab

After you’ve got pasted your class record, return to the Extensions menu and “Run TemplateTab.” This will duplicate the Pixel Art template for every scholar on the record. A tab can be created with their title.

Share the Spreadsheet

Share the spreadsheet with the scholars. They will find their title on the tabs alongside the underside and create their graphic by typing single digit numbers.



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