October 5, 2022, marks the twentieth anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Today, 20 years to the day after the anime’s first episode aired in Japan, Sunrise has up to date the title’s official website with a brand new look. It additionally introduced plans to launch an anniversary e-book set and a radio present that includes one of many sequence’ characters, Yzak Joule.
Yzak Joule is among the ZAFT troopers who hijacked the Gundam-type Mobile Suits at Heliopolis through the present’s beginning segments. The character’s Japanese voice actor, Tomokazu Seki, will host the radio present. He will talk about the 20-year-old present with different friends and skim letters despatched by followers.
In addition, Sunrise will launch an official e-book set to rejoice the twentieth anniversary of Gundam SEED. The set will comprise the “Freedom” fan e-book, with over 250 pages of illustrations, and the “Justice” setting materials e-book, with over 100 pages of background descriptions and workers commentaries. Pre-orders will open in Japan round November 2022 with a price ticket of 11,000 yen (~$76). Sunrise will ship the completed books in April 2023.
In May 2021, Sunrise introduced a number of initiatives associated to Gundam SEED forward of its twentieth anniversary. The initiatives vary from a online game and a characteristic movie to a brand new manga sequence and a life-size statue of the Freedom Gundam in Shanghai, China. The new manga sequence, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Eclipse, is offered to observe in English on the GundamInfo YouTube channel.
The first episode of the month-to-month Gundam SEED Yzak Joule radio present will air across the finish of October 2022.