Home Game Development c# – Tips on how to make a text-based recreation with timer methods

c# – Tips on how to make a text-based recreation with timer methods

c# – Tips on how to make a text-based recreation with timer methods


That is an attention-grabbing query I’ve, so I ask you to listen to me out. No, I am not simply going to ask “how do I do that” and hope somebody will give me code.

I have been programming for a very long time and am starting work on a side-project, a text-based recreation.

With out going into particulars, the sport wants instructions (a Console.ReadLine() type of scenario) but in addition wants timer-based methods (say, as an example, lowering a variable vitality each 10 seconds)

I’ve racked my mind about find out how to accomplish this, however got here up empty handed.

My greatest guess is utilizing asynchronous features however I do not totally perceive these they usually do not look like they are going to accomplish what I am after.

TL;DR I would like to have the ability to use Console.ReadLine() and likewise improve/lower a variable each n milliseconds (even whereas ready for the console enter).

I feel threading is likely to be a approach to do it, however that appears extreme for a [relatively] easy usecase.

Can anybody present perception about find out how to accomplish this?

Thanks prematurely.



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