Home Indie Game Desktop Defender–A Bullet-Hell recreation that invades your desktop.

Desktop Defender–A Bullet-Hell recreation that invades your desktop.

Desktop Defender–A Bullet-Hell recreation that invades your desktop.


This week we made the next excessive stage modifications:
New UI look and enemy sprites
Volume slider at backside proper
Icons and store window may be dragged
Ability tooltip in store with explanations
New worm boss
Shortened ranges
Center of display screen timer show
New cursor talents:
Wrecking ball
Healing area

We wished to begin making the theming extra cohesive by utilizing constant textures for UI components in order that the atmosphere feels extra like a pc desktop. It was additionally essential so as to add capacity tooltips so the participant has a greater thought of what talents do earlier than buying them. We additionally added a brand new boss and shortened the quantity of ranges between bosses so the participant can have a extra diversified expertise with out having to grind via a number of ranges. New talents give the cursor participant extra choices and likewise the therapeutic area encourages extra interplay between the cursor participant and antivirus.

Going ahead, we hope to work in direction of making the antivirus really feel extra concerned within the recreation by introducing extra talents that encourage cooperation between the antivirus and the cursor and likewise including extra consequence to the antivirus dying, probably by eradicating its capacity to respawn throughout a spherical. We additionally hope so as to add extra visible results for the antivirus taking pictures and damaging enemies to enhance the sensation of impression.

Our alpha construct is connected under within the thread. Gomez



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