So I’m making an attempt to rotate my node from 0 to 360 like one anti-clockwise course, however it behavings like a ping pong impact scaled down and up. Please, anybody have a suggestion on the way to rotate my 2D node in an anti-clockwise course.
const quat1: Quat = new Quat();
Quat.fromEuler(quat1, 0, 0, 180);
const quat2: Quat = new Quat();
Quat.fromEuler(quat2, 0, 0, 360);
tween(this.node).to(3, { rotation: quat1 }).begin();
await delay(3000);
tween(this.node).to(3, { rotation: quat2 }).begin();
Is this the impact you need? (6.7 KB)