Why after utilizing Actor.setPosition, enter coordinates in Actor.hit include a shift within the values laid out in setPosition?
Create scene:
public class MyActor extends Actor {
int width = 70;
int top = 70;
public MyActor(Texture img, int x, int y, int realX, int realY) {
sprite = new Sprite(img, x, y, width, top);
this.setPosition(realX, realY);
Standard search Actor:
public class SportScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor {
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
Vector2 coord = stage.screenToStageCoordinates(new Vector2((float)screenX,(float)screenY));
Gdx.app.log("touchDown", "" + coord.x +","+ coord.y);
chosenActor = (MyActor)stage.hit(coord.x,coord.y,false);
public class MyActor extends Actor {
public Actor hit(float x, float y, boolean touchable) {
Gdx.app.log("Actor.hit:", "" + x +":"+ y);
return x < getX()|| x >= getX() + width || y < getY()|| y >= getY() + top ? null : this;
But come the distorted values.
Coordinates Click: touchDown: 26.25,81.250015.
MyActor within the values obtained from the offset, the a number of of 70:
Actor.hit: -43.75:11.250015
Actor.hit: -43.75:81.250015
Actor.hit: 26.25:11.250015
Actor.hit: 26.25:81.250015
Why? How to repair?
public class MyStage extends Stage {
public Actor hit(float x, float y, boolean touchable) {
return tremendous.hit(x,y,touchable);