Home Game Development linear algebra – How to insert a brand new management level on 3D cubic Bézier spline, with out deforming present form?

linear algebra – How to insert a brand new management level on 3D cubic Bézier spline, with out deforming present form?

linear algebra – How to insert a brand new management level on 3D cubic Bézier spline, with out deforming present form?


What you are searching for known as “de Casteljau’s algorithm

First, it’s essential to discover the phase and the parameter worth $t$ on the level that was clicked. Search “closest level on cubic Bézier spline” for algorithms to search out that.

Now you have got a phase with management factors ${ P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4 }$ and a parameter worth $0 < t < 1$ (if $t$ is strictly zero or one, then management level $P_1$ or $P_4$ respectively already cut up the spline on the clicked level), at which the Bézier phase passes by the clicked level $P_t$.

We can now type new factors by interpolating between the prevailing management factors by an element of $t$:

P_5 = (1 – t) P_1 + t P_2
P_6 = (1 – t) P_2 + t P_3
P_7 = (1 – t) P_3 + t P_4

and once more:

P_8 = (1 – t) P_5 + t P_6
P_9 = (1 – t) P_6 + t P_7

(If we wished, we might additionally discover $P_t = (1 – t) P_8 + t P_9$ this manner, however by this stage you in all probability already understand it)

Your two new Bézier segments are:

{P_1, P_5, P_8, P_t}
{P_t, P_9, P_7, P_4}



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