Following @Auribouros’s partial reply, I took a take a look at every of the white squares.
I discovered cough ‘a number of’ cough pixel colours (I shade coded them to make it simpler to place in my revised picture):
By the way in which, I obtained fairly determined for colours on the finish there. See Wikipedia’s List of Colors in case you are confused about ‘what the **** is cerise?’
Red: RGB(249, 246, 247), Hex f9f6f7
Green: RGB(255, 254, 251), Hex fffefb
Blue: RGB(251, 251, 251), Hex fbfbfb
Yellow: RGB(251, 254, 254), Hex fbfefe
Magenta: RGB(251, 253, 251), Hex fbfdfb
Cyan: RGB(251, 251, 253), Hex fbfbfd
Light-Gray: RGB(251, 255, 255), Hex fbffff
Dark-Gray: RGB(254, 251, 254), Hex fefbfe
Orange: RGB(251, 255, 251), Hex fbfffb
Brown: RGB(251, 253, 253), Hex fbfdfd
Light-Red: RGB(251, 251, 254), Hex fbfbfe
Light-Green: RGB(255, 251, 251), Hex fffbfb
Light-Blue: RGB(254, 252, 251), Hex fefcfb
Light-Yellow: RGB(251, 251, 252), Hex fbfbfc
Light-Magenta: RGB(251, 252, 252), Hex fbfcfc
Light-Cyan: RGB(252, 252, 251), Hex fcfcfb
Purple: RGB(251, 254, 251), Hex fbfefb
Beige: RGB(254, 251, 251), Hex fefbfb
Chartreuse: RGB(255, 251, 254), Hex fffbfe
Electric-blue: RGB(251, 251, 255), Hex fbfbff
Mauve: RGB(254, 251, 253), Hex fefbfd
Dark-red: RGB(251, 252, 253), Hex fbfcfd
Dark-green: RGB(251, 253, 254), Hex fbfdfe
Dark-blue: RGB(255, 252, 251), Hex fffcfb
Dark-yellow: RGB(254, 254, 254), Hex fefefe
Dark-magenta: RGB(253, 251, 251), Hex fdfbfb (separate from purple; barely lighter)
Dark-cyan: RGB(255, 253, 251), Hex fffdfb
Pear: RGB(254, 251, 255), Hex fefbff
Orange-red: RGB(253, 253, 254), Hex fdfdfe
Silver: RGB(253, 251, 253), Hex fdfbfd
Desert sand: RGB(251, 252, 251), Hex fbfcfb
Cerise: RGB(253, 253, 251), Hex fdfdfb
So far I have never completed coloring every thing, however I’ve obtained this, which I plan to broaden sooner or later: