Home RPG Random Encounter 241 – Farming for DLC

Random Encounter 241 – Farming for DLC

Random Encounter 241 – Farming for DLC


Article / Podcast &middot Random Encounter
Random Encounter 241 Farming for DLC

On this episode of Random Encounter, it’s time for some indie goodness down on the farm!

Tarah makes her first look on the podcast, speaking concerning the retro farm-sim Bit Orchard: Animal Valley for the Change. This indie homage to Harvest Moon and Recreation Boy apparently makes for a really stress-free time (supplied that you just don’t have to catch any frogs)! Subsequent, Audra returns to Random to talk concerning the enjoyable, if barely underwhelming, dungeon crawler Anuchard. After which, Jono has been plowing by RPG DLC at a fast tempo, sharing his ideas about CrossCode: A New House and Misplaced Judgment: The Kaito Recordsdata.

That includes: Jono Logan, Audra Bowling, Tarah Bleier; Edited by Jono Logan

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