Tuesday, April 16, 2024
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Hello Cocos Community, :grinning:

i rly hope you’ll be able to assist me out, trigger it makes my mind disintegrate. :exploding_head:

I’m utilizing the cocos creator model 2.4.10.

I’ve a Problem on excessive refreshrate telephones.
On some it really works, on some not.

I can’t set the framerate neither the FIXED_TIME_STEP from PhysicsManger.

Here is how i attempted it:

let physics_manager = cc.director.getPhysicsSupervisor()
physics_manager.FIXED_TIME_STEP = 1/60;

On excessive frames it applies gravity, power and many others… totally different than on 60 fps.
The leap for instance is extraordinarily low powered on excessive frames.

right here is how i apply the power for leap:

this.Rigid_Body = this.node.getComponent(cc.RigidBody);
this.Rigid_Body.applyForceToCenter( cc.v2(0,70000) , true);

But not solely the leap, the stroll power will get utilized totally different too even after I use a scheduler as an alternative of the Update Method.

The telephones override it nonetheless it’s configured.
On the Oneplus7tpro(additionally a 90hz Phone) it really works simply tremendous.
Now I switched to a Samsung Fold 4 and there it overrides it to 120hz and on another telephones too.

I do not know on the right way to implement a variable refresh charge to the Physics Engine trigger so far as i do know its replace is certain to the Device’s Frame charge.

Is there any answer to this, or one other solution to make the Physics replace to a set interval?
I’m additionally open to different approaches.I simply wanna get this mounted… :neutral_face:

Thanks prematurely!

Have you tried setting enabledAccumulator to true?

Yes, it’s essential to first get the refresh charge of the system after which set the Physics Engine.



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