Tuesday, April 16, 2024
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There are 8 Blue counterspells that may be solid for alternate prices:

I discovered these with the next search on Scryfall:

(o:”fairly than pay ~’s mana price” or o:”it’s possible you’ll solid this spell with out paying its mana price”) o:counter c:u

This searches for spells with different prices (first clause) with “counter” within the textual content (second clause) which can be blue (third clause).

In addition, Mental Misstep solely prices {UP}, so you may pay life as a substitute of mana.

If you additionally need to rely spells with mana that must be paid later, Pact of Negation has a mana price of {0}, however it additionally says

At the start of your subsequent repairs, pay {3}{U}{U}. If you do not, you lose the sport.

Besides that, there are 3 spells that can be utilized to successfully counter a spell that may be solid with out paying any mana:

  • Commandeer permits you to take management of a spell and alter its targets. You can select a goal that’s (extra) helpful to you, or, if the opposite spell is a counterspell, you may redirect it to focus on Commandeer in order that it’s countered for having an unlawful goal after Commandeer leaves the stack.
  • Mindbreak Trap permits you to exile any variety of spells, however you may solely solid it at no cost in case your opponent has solid at the very least 3 spells this flip.
  • Misdirection additionally permits you to select new targets for a spell. Of course, it’s only helpful for coping with focused spells, and you need to use it to cope with counterspells the identical manner you need to use Commandeer.


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