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Roll the cube, pop all of the kernels, and keep away from any burnt corn; as a result of nothing ruins a beautiful serving to of popcorn like burnt ones!

A ten-15 minute push-your-luck sport for 2-6 gamers by Van Ryder Games, Popcorn Dice is all about deciding how a lot popcorn you may get popped with out overcooking it!


On your flip, put all of the cube into the cube bucket, and roll them. There are 4 doable outcomes: kernel, pop, double pop, and burnt.

All kernels return into the bucket mechanically. Any burnt cube are put aside. Pop cube are price one level and double pop are price two factors. You can select to return a double pop to the bucket to additionally return a burnt die, however provided that they have been each rolled on the similar time, in the course of the present roll.

If you solely rolled kernels and burnt popcorn, you cease rolling and transfer on to scoring. If you’ve gotten 4 or extra burnt popcorn put aside, then your flip ends and you don’t get to attain. Otherwise, you may select whether or not to reroll all of the cube within the bucket once more or to finish your flip and rating. If you handle to roll pops and double pops on all of your cube, that is the right pop and also you win the sport (after everybody has had a good variety of turns to ensure nobody else will get an ideal pop). Otherwise, you rating the pop and double pops you rolled.

The sport ends as soon as somebody has reached 30 factors, and everybody has had an equal variety of turns. The participant with essentially the most factors wins.

Popcorn Dice Components


Popcorn Dice is straightforward, it’s actually quick, and its enjoyable. There aren’t loads of guidelines. You can have the sport taught in a minute, and it has a pleasant circulate to the gameplay. The guidelines are actually distilled right down to the core push-your-luck ingredient, which is easy and fascinating. Do you wish to roll once more and danger extra burnt popcorn? Or do you wish to financial institution your popped corn now? Do you wish to save your double pops for factors or use them to return burnt corn to the bucket?

Getting an ideal pop will not be unimaginable, and helps to make sure that nobody is ever fully out of the sport. There is at all times that chance, regardless of how far behind you fall in factors.

The sport is sort of transportable. You might make it much more so by touring with simply the cube and conserving the field at house. It’s actually aesthetically pleasing, with the sport field being a popcorn bucket, and whereas it’s a bit noisy to make use of the field to roll the cube, it’s additionally fairly enjoyable. Unfortunately, no scorepad is included, but it surely’s simple to seize a scrap of paper.

If you want these sorts of actually streamlined, easy cube video games, Popcorn Dice is gorgeous in its simplicity. It’s enjoyable, properly designed, doesn’t attempt to overcomplicate something, has a few attention-grabbing design selections, and has an pleasing theme and desk presence.

Pros: Looks nice, so quick to show and play, everybody at all times has an opportunity to win

Cons: No scorepad, in the event you roll the cube within the bucket it may be fairly a loud sport

Disclosure: we acquired a complimentary evaluate copy of this sport.



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