Home Indie Game Nate Soulman: Paranormal Investigator (Metroidvania Inspired)

Nate Soulman: Paranormal Investigator (Metroidvania Inspired)

Nate Soulman: Paranormal Investigator (Metroidvania Inspired)



Level 1

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Very fascinating idea. I like the thought of a boss becoming a member of you as a brand new means. Looking ahead to seeing how this progresses Hand Thumbs Up Right



Weekly Update #1

This week has been targeted on doing a number of the 2-D sprites for the sport. I’ve been engaged on the animations for the principle character in addition to his projectile assault. Also throughout the week, I’ve created the map for the primary space of the sport, the Main Room.

The participant can entry the map by merely pausing the sport. The map covers the entire display screen in order that it is simpler to learn. The blue squares are the rooms within the space whereas the pink sq. is the room the participant is presently in. The participant can have entry to the entire map whereas in that map’s space. The “S” on the map represents save factors and the cranium exhibits the place the boss is or was if the participant already beat it. The circles present Upgrades that the participant hasn’t bought but. There are 4 totally different sorts of Upgrades.

This Upgrade is the HP Upgrade and can improve the participant’s Max HP by 10 when obtained. There are 40 of those in whole.

This Upgrade is the Super HP Upgrade and can improve the participant’s Max HP by 50 when obtained. There are 10 of those in whole.

This Upgrade is the Bullet Upgrade and can improve the participant’s Energy Ball harm by 1 level when obtained. There are 4 of those in whole, making the max harm carried out by Bullets to be 5 factors of injury.

This Upgrade is the Punch Upgrade and can improve the participant’s Punch harm by 4 factors when obtained. There are 4 of those in whole, making the max harm carried out by Punch assaults to be 20 factors of injury.

Now when you’ll excuse me, there is a mattress with my title on it Tired.


– Weakfoggy


Weekly Update #2

This replace is filled with pictures and animations that I’ve been engaged on all through the week. Let’s begin with the principle character’s idle:

He’s not as spry as your typical online game heroes. He all the time spends time both researching the paranormal or looking them and as such, he solely will get a pair hours of sleep ever day.

Next up is the animation of the vitality ball the participant can shoot:

Here are the mini-maps for each space within the sport (not together with the Main Room):

  • Basement

    An previous basement full of spider-webs and chilly cement. It additionally results in a secret space within the Outside space. Speaking of Outside space…

  • Outside

    This is the surface space which accommodates a backyard, a shed, a sewer system, and a greenhouse. Speaking of inexperienced…

  • Kitchen

    The kitchen space, the place solely the best delicacies is ready. This place additionally serves as a storage space for the meals. Speaking of space…

  • Bedroom

    The bed room space is the biggest space within the sport. Not solely is it the place the place folks sleep but it surely’s additionally the place the place folks go to entertain themselves with pool or with arcade video games. Speaking of to…

  • Roof

    The remaining space of the sport. This place will check the participant’s ability of the sport. This place has no secrets and techniques in it.

The better of final, right here is the boss of the second space, the Basement. He can also be the boss who offers you the Double Jump:

The bat will stand there and wait then it can cost up for one in all these 2 (technically 4) assaults:

A leap assault:

This assault can both be a brief leap or an excellent leap. The ending a part of the animation is him touchdown.

A spit assault:

This assault can both be him taking pictures 3 poison balls without delay or 3 one after one other.

Sorry if this replace appears lengthy however so much has occur this week. Next week I’ll present some gameplay of the sport to you guys. Until then, take pleasure in the remainder of your day (or evening).

« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 09:54:42 AM by weakfoggy »

– Weakfoggy


Weekly Update #3 & #4

First off, sorry that there was no replace for week #3. Real life + Snow Storms + Home of the Nerds Game Jam (Which was a great expertise, I’d advocate doing a Game Jam your self) + Just laziness = Slow improvement and sluggish updates.

With that stated, right here is the gameplay video I promised (sorry for the standard of the video):

In different information, I lastly selected the title for my sport. It’s referred to as:

In the final 2 weeks, I’ve tweaked with the controls and began engaged on the degrees.
I additionally made a typical enemy the participant will run into:

He will both look left or proper (relying on the participant’s location) then he’ll cost up his shot and hearth.

Also accomplished are the sprites for the primary boss, a wall dragon:

He will come out of the wall, cost his shot whereas aiming on the participant, then he fires and goes into the wall. Since you don’t have any approach of attacking but, it’s a must to survive till the boss calms down and stops attacking you. This boss offers you the vitality ball assault once you “beat” it.

Hope you may forgive me for the delay however stuff occur, you realize?


– Weakfoggy


Level 1

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Awesome title! I just like the look of the gameplay. One suggestion, possibly have his toes transfer somewhat. Just his toes. I can not assist however really feel tied up watching him transfer round. Oh and nice wanting bosses! Beer!



Level 1

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Just do what you may. It’ll take so long as it takes. Looking ahead to extra of the principle character’s animations. Smiley



Weekly Update #6

All of this weeks updates are on this video:

Basically, this week I did Nate’s animations and tweaked some scripts within the sport:

Nate Ducking:

Nate Walking:

Nate Jumping:

Nate Punching:

Nate Summoning:


– Weakfoggy


Level 1

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He’s far more full of life. Great job! Smiley



Weekly Update #7

This week, on Nate Soulman Update…

More rooms had been made.
More code was scripted.
And textures had been made:

The texture of Breakable Rocks.

The texture of the platform the participant makes (center is see-through).

Also made was a brand new enemy:

While cute in appears, this little man can change into a risk. If the participant is touching this man, then the participant will begin shedding well being. Range is the safer possibility for this enemy however the enemy has 4 HP, which suggests one punch will destroy it (when you plan the punch proper).


– Weakfoggy


Weekly Update #8

This week I labored on extra enemies and their sprites. I solely have one new enemy to indicate, the Clock Cannon ghost:

The physique of the Clock Cannon.

The arm of the Clock Cannon.

How the Clock Cannon works is that the arm will goal in a path, relying on the time it is on, after which hearth a fireball. After that, it can go to the subsequent time and repeat. For instance, the arm will goal up at 12 then hearth a fireball then goal up and sightly proper at 1 then hearth one other fireball then goal sightly up and proper at 2.

“Hey Mr. Weakfoggy, why is there a clock enemy in your sport?”

Enemies on this sport are ghost which have change into offended and remodeled right into a type of their selection. When the participant destroys an enemy, he’s actually calming the ghost down and when the participant touches the spirit that pops out of the enemy, the spirit is therapeutic the participant somewhat then going away. So the ghosts who change into the Clock Cannon enemies thought “Hey, you realize what I needed to be for years? A clock that may shoot fireballs.” (I imply that is what I need to be after I develop up).


– Weakfoggy


Weekly Update #9

This week, I primarily labored on getting sprites and animations carried out so this is what I’ve thus far:

First is one other enemy, a Robot Miner:

This enemy will preserve going ahead, swinging his pickaxe till he hits a wall, through which case he’ll flip round.

Next up is a preview for the third boss of the sport, the flower boss:

The boss’ head will open up, cost up, shoot some pollen, after which shut once more. You can solely damage the boss when her head is revealed.

Lastly, right here is the Dusk household. The Dusk household had been the house owners of the mansion that you simply journey by means of:

This is Elyse Dusk, the daughter of the Dusk household.

She is the primary boss of the sport and turns into your vitality ball assault. She’s the one who “employed” you to undergo the mansion.

Next is Ed Dusk, the son of the Dusk household.

Ed transforms into the bat boss and turns into your second means, the double leap. He’s not as accountable as his sister and is a continuing hassle maker.

This is Eve Dusk, the aunt of the Dusk household.

Eve is the third boss of the sport and offers you your punch assault. While she loves make-up and vogue, she loves nature much more.

This man is Ethan Dusk, the uncle of the Dusk household.

Ethan is the fourth boss and offers you the power to teleport. Ethan is the principle chef of the mansion and loves each minute cooking.

This lady is Eleanor Dusk, the mom of the Dusk household.

She is the fifth boss and she or he turns into your remaining means, the power to make platforms beneath you. She could appear uptight by her youngsters’s requirements however she does love them very a lot.

Lastly is the daddy of the Dusk household, Eric Dusk.


Eric is the ultimate boss of the sport. He is a sensible man particularly with cash, though he might seem bland to some folks.


– Weakfoggy


Weekly Update #10

Wow, as much as the tenth replace already! The time certain flew by rapidly. Anyways, extra sprites:

I spotted that I forgot to make a portal sprite for the principle character’s teleport means, so right here it’s:

Next is extra sprites for the Plant Boss. The Plant Boss has two fist, one on both sides of the display screen. So this is the sprite of the fist:

And this is the sprite of the vines that the fist are hooked up to:

Also within the combat, when the Plant’s face is uncovered, it can shoot pollen out:

Depending on how powerful the combat is, there may additionally be spiky oranges that develop then fall and damage the participant:

Next is the fourth boss of the sport. Since each different boss within the sport is massive, I needed a boss that was about the identical dimension as Nate and so this boss is an oven that jumps, prices, shoots meals, and makes use of his portal to teleport himself and his meals:

These are the meals that the boss can shoot. They’re not rotating, they face upward however then flip when coming down:

My progress on the sport might change into slower any further (life stuff) however I’ll attempt to proceed engaged on the sport as greatest as I can. Until subsequent time, have a fantastic day/evening!



– Weakfoggy


Level 0

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 we’re already on the tenth replace! The time frame handed quickly.




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