Tuesday, April 16, 2024
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On this episode of On Board Video games, Don and Erik speak with TC Petty III from Renegade Video games Studio about what they’ve performed recently together with:

  • Imperium
  • Batman Gotham Metropolis Chronicles
  • Co2
  • Lords of Vegas
  • Tremendous Ability Pinball
  • The Starvation
  • Misplaced Ruins of Anorak
  • This Did not Occur (Kickstarter occurring January fifth. Preview is right here.)

(21:44) Subsequent, the three speak in regards to the design of the GI Joe Deck-building sport and sport design on the whole.

Hyperlink to the Inverse Genius episode all about GI Joe: http://www.inversegenius.com/inversegenius/2016/9/17/ig-010-you-joe

Inverse Genius: http://www.inversegenius.com/



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